STANDARD TENPART I & IICHAPTER : 13Sources of Energy /15 0 votes, 0 avg 276 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY – Chapter 13 Sources of Energy 1 / 15 There are four fuels which all contain only carbon and hydrogen. The fuel having highest calorific value will be one which has: More of carbon but less of hydrogen Less of carbon but more of hydrogen Equal proportions of carbon and hydrogen Less of carbon as well as less of hydrogen 2 / 15 A good fuel is one that possesses: High calorific value and low ignition temperature Low calorific value and low ignition temperature High calorific value and moderate ignition temperature Low calorific value and moderate ignition temperature 3 / 15 In a hydroelectric power plant more electrical power can be generated if water falls from a greater height because: Its temperature increases. Larger amount of potential energy is converted into kinetic energy. The electricity content water increases with height. More water molecules dissociate into ions. 4 / 15 Coke is more valuable when used: As a fuel for industrial boilers As an oxidizing agent As a reducing agent As a fuel in domestic ovens 5 / 15 In order to make efficient solar cooker, the cover of cooker box should be made of: Transparent plastic sheet Shining aluminium sheet Butter paper sheet Transparent glass 6 / 15 Which of the followings is not a fossil fuel? Coal Petroleum Natural gas Nuclear fuel 7 / 15 The rise of sea-water during high tide is caused by the gravitational pull of the: Sun Earth Moon Mars 8 / 15 What is the energy equivalent of one atomic mass unit? 93.1 MeV 9.31 MeV 1 MeV 931 MeV 9 / 15 How many joules are there in 1eV? 1.6×10-19J 9.1×10-31J 6.0×1023J 1.6×10-13J 10 / 15 The disposal of wastes produced in a nuclear power plant is a big problem because it is: Highly radioactive Highly inflammable Extremely foul smelling Too heavy 11 / 15 The energy efficient device for producing light is: DLF CFL FCL LPG 12 / 15 The radiation present in the sunlight that gives us the feeling of hotness is Visible radiation Infra-red Red Ultra-violet 13 / 15 The major constituent of biogas is Methane Ethane Propane Butane 14 / 15 The process by which energy is produced in the sun is Nuclear fission Nuclear fusion Both nuclear fusion and fission Combustion of hydrogen 15 / 15 The diagram shows a simple calorimeter system for measuring the heat given out by a liquid fuel contained in the burner. The experimental data for four fuels A, B, C and D is given below. 100 ml (100g) of water was put in the calorimeter and a thermometer is used to measure the change in temperature. With the help of the data find the fuel which is the least efficient? Mass of fuelRise in temperature0.80 g12oC1.20 g24oC0.50 g9oC1.75g28oC A B C D Your score is 0% Restart quiz