A FOUNDATION COURSE ESSENTIAL SKILLS & ABILITIES /10 0 votes, 0 avg 110 SKILL - W | LEVEL – 1 Geometry basic concept Point, Line & Angle 1 / 10 This 3D object has no sides/faces, and no corners circle pyramid cube sphere 2 / 10 How many sides does a quadrilateral have? 5 3 2 4 3 / 10 Guess my shape. I have no sides and no vertices. triangle square rectangle circle 4 / 10 Guess my shape. I have 5 sides and 5 vertices. square triangle pentagon quadrilateral 5 / 10 Guess my shape. I have 4 sides. 2 of my sides are parallel to each other. square rectangle trapezoid triangle 6 / 10 What are vertices? sides angles faces corner 7 / 10 How many sides does an Octagon have? 5 8 11 6 8 / 10 Rectangles and squares both have ______________. all congruent sides four right angles perpendicular diagonals all of these 9 / 10 This 3D shape has 6 flat faces. Cube Sphere Pyramid Cone 10 / 10 This 2D shape has 3 sides. triangular prism triangle rectangle diamond Your score is 0% Restart quiz