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Speed, Distance & Time

1 / 10

Calculate the distance travelled by a mouse running at 2 m/s for 20s

2 / 10

The log boats do not go very far. If the wind is helpful, they travel about 4 km in one hour. How long will they take to go a distance of 10 km?

3 / 10

Express the following speed in m per sec: 72 km per hour

4 / 10

A man covers 3 km in 15 seconds.What is the speed?

5 / 10

A train travels 25 km in 0.5 hrs. How fast is the train going ?

6 / 10

Calculate the time it takes for a rocket travelling at 29000 km/ h to reach outer space, 100 km above Earth

7 / 10

Motor boat can travel at the speed of 20 km per hour. How far can a motor boat go in six hours?

8 / 10

Machine boat can travel at the speed of 22 km per hour. How far can a machine boat go in ten and half hours?

9 / 10

Long tail boat can travel at the speed of 12 km per hour. How far can a long tail boat go in five hours?

10 / 10

Log boat can travel at the speed of 4 km per hour. How far can a log boat go in three and half hours?

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